is an initiative of sounds artists Kay Zhang, Nuriia Khasenova and  Léo Collin,

Trained as classical/contemporary musicians, they interpret chamber or orchestra repertoire, composed by contemporary composers. They transcript, arrange, add visual elements and a storyline to make the score more accessible for a non specialist audience.
In their detalk series, they spend 3-4 days with a guest (composer, sound/visual artist). These collaborations have a very different and interesting outcome each time.
They make scenic compilations
of their own compositions.
For this, they work with different artists such as sound engineer Leandro Gianini,  solfware developper Dalius Singer, costume and stage designer Mariana Grünig Vieira, object designer Eric Larrieux, instrument designer and sound artist, Kaspar König, composer and performer Cimon Finix, Light designer Viktoras Žemeckas, architect and video game designer Adrian Galeazzi, singer and organiser Meret Roth

They performed in Volksbühne Berlin, Gare du Nord Basel, Dampfzentrale Bern, Gessnerallee- Tonhalle- Das Institut -Walcheturm- Hyperlokal Zürich but also Monash University Melbourne, Potocki Paterson Art Gallery Wellington,  Maritime Museum Hong Kong, L’Abri Geneva, La Voirie Bienne ... Kollektiv international totem is supported by the City and the Canton of Zürich and many other foundations in Switzerland.


Festival Rümlingen 2024


25 AUGUST 2024
Blind test 

Rosengarten • 10.00 – 10.30
Mit HYPERDUO & Kollektiv TOTEM

Der zweite Teil der Musiktheaterperformance von Leo Collin findet morgens im Oltinger Rosengarten statt. Das Kollektiv lauscht mit speziellen Mikrofonen, den Klängen aus der Vergangenheit, der Gegenwart und der Zukunft des Dorfes und schließt damit seinen Gedankenexperiment rund um das Thema Heritage / Erbe.

→ Ort: Rosengarten vor der Kirche


A performative installation, Composed-theater 
An initiative by Léo Collin and CNZ

Thursday 19 June 2025 20h00
Friday 20 June 2025  20h00
Saturday 21 June 2025 20h00

> Zentral Wacherei  Zürich
> Neue Hard 12, Zürich, CH 8005

Co-production with Collegium Novum Zürich, and kollektiv iиterиatioиal totem

tickets available in 

by and with : 
Grimaître, Nuriia Khasenova, Kevin Toksöz Fairbairn, Kay Zhang, performers
Léo Collin concept, dramaturgy, co-direction and score
Kapitolina Tsvetkova concept, dramaturgy, co-direction, set design
Leandro Gianini, technical director, concept